Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


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Taylor Kosiak
Taylor Kosiak
Staff Reporter

Silver Linings Playbook is Oscar-bound and worthy of it

Silver Linings Playbook is Oscar-bound and worthy of it

Staying constructive and optimistic is always a good thing. It allows you to set priorities straight and set goals. It lets you become a better person and seek more out of life, instead of being miserable and victimized. Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper), the hero of the now Oscar-nominated Silver Linings Playbook, is different, but in this respect, isn’t too far off. He knows what he wants and he believes he can get there, but to achieve what he seeks, he has to do the one thing anyone with an undiagnosed bipolar disease would struggle with: stay positive and search for the good in every situation, a silver lining.

Returning from a brief eight month period at a Baltimore mental institution, “Philly” born Solitano moves back home with his parents with hopes to see if he can reconcile his seemingly lost marriage. In search for making things right and getting his life back in order, Pat meets the mysterious recent widow Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence of Hunger Games fame), who has a plethora of issues of her own.

Pat’s journey for winning his wife back gets side tracked as his unconventional meetings with Tiffany persist. As their relationship forms, Pat exclusively reveals his deep thoughts on his marriage without hearing what Tiffany has to offer, and what Tiffany has is what Pat needs. Tiffany has the power to reunite Pat and Nicki, who has already moved on, on only one condition: that Pat helps her with a dancing event. As Pat and Tiffany get to know each other though, a silver lining appears to form for both of them. A bond that was never intended develops into something much more than they had both hoped, but in reality maybe what they both want.

“This is what I believe to be true: You have to do everything you can and if you stay positive you have a shot at a silver lining.”
-Pat Solitano

Based off the novel of the same name, Silver Linings Playbook was transformed by Director/ Writer David O. Russell into an absolute ideal dramatic, romantic, and comedic masterpiece. The idea that two presumably hopeless characters in reality, when united, aren’t that hopeless after all, left me with a sense of optimisim that most films find hard to generate.

With an illustrious cast, it would be hard to say that you didn’t fall in love with each character’s amiable persona. The ensemble was not only led by spectacular stars such as Cooper and Lawrence but was also filled with rich acting from Jacki Weaver (Pat’s mother), Chris Tucker (Pat’s friend from the institution), and none other than one of, if not the best actor of all time, Robert Deniro as Pat’s father, Pat Sr.. Every single talent in the movie was portrayed in such a way that won’t soon be lost on anyone. Cooper was simply fantastic with his quick whit and endearing charm, leaving every single person with a smile. Lawrence truly acted in a way that made you feel as if you knew the character. Initially Lawrence’s character Tiffany was so nasty, yet through her incredible take on the role, she was able to transform the viewers into loving her and hating her at the same time. She made you genuinely feel in the movie and whenever an actor or actress can do that, you know the’re special.

Without a doubt Lawrence and Cooper stole the show and won the hearts of anyone who saw their on screen relationship unravel to what it ultimately became. Other than their enchanting performances, indisputably, Deniro and Weaver were on a level of their own as well. Weaver, famous in Australia’s film industry, took on the role as a heartwarming yet stern mother who is only looking out for what is in her son’s best interest and she played her part beautifully. As for Deniro, he carried out a magnificent job as a hard headed Philladelphia book maker, who loves his son, but at the same time only wants to connect with his son because he feels he is the family’s goodluck charm. His performance was amazing, funny, and most importantly gratifying, but in all honestly, what else could you expect from Robert Deniro?

With the awards season already underway, thankfully Silver Linings Playbook is not only in my eyes, as an instant classic. The film was up for four Golden Globes including Best Picture (Comedy or Musical), Best Actor (Bradley Cooper), Best Actress (Jennifer Lawrence), and Best Screenplay (David O. Russel). As for winners, Jennifer Lawrence was the only one who took home the nod this past Sunday night but nominations alone, are satisfaction enough.

With the Academy Awards coming up as well, Silver Linings is not nervous in the slightest. The movie is up for eight Oscars which include the four nominations above, but additionally have nominations for Jacki Weaver and Robert Deniro as Best Supporting Actress/Actor and David O. Russel for Best Director. This is the first time in over 20 years that all four core acting positions (lead and supporting) are all nominated for Academy Awards, and that alone should reveal the quality of acting in the film.

Silver Linings Playbook has a lot of competition, which can hurt their award chances but whether or not the film wins or not, should be no concern to anyone who wants to see it. The most lovable attribute that Silver Linings encompasses is the underlying hope that good can come from bad. That in reality, not everything is all that bad. That truthfully everything, if you can search hard enough, has a silver lining.

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About the Contributor
Charlie Connelly
Charlie Connelly, Staff Reporter
Charlie is a Senior at RB and this is his second year as a part of the Clarion staff. Being very interested in the field of writing and interviews, Charlie couldn't be more excited to see what this year will have to offer in Clarion. While he isn't writing for the Clarion, in his spare time he additionally writes for the Chicago Tribune's teen publication "the Mash", which is distributed once a month to schools all throughout the Chicagoland area. As for extracurriculars, Charlie is involved in Best Buddies, AST (Association of Students for Tolerance), and the baseball program. Although he decided not to tryout for the team last year, he opted to help Noah Wiza manage the Sophomore team and couldn't have been happier to have made that decision and will continue to manage in the Spring. This senior year has a lot to offer Charlie and he is ultimately excited to simply soak it all in and take advantage of all the great things he can before college rolls around next Fall. As for college plans he is currently undecided but wishes to stay in the area, possibly at UIC or Columbia. Charlie Connelly can be contacted at [email protected].

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