The entire boys tennis team is abuzz with excitement and Spring spirit.
This year’s team is diverse, ranging from rookies to veteran tennis players. The balance of the team leads to what should be an interesting season.
Assistant Coach Tom Fuller said, “The varsity team is very young. The lack of experience will become important this season. We must gain valuable experience that will help us this season and in the future.”
Just as with any sport, with seniors going off to college, there is always a void to fill, but new seniors hope to rise up to leadership positions and help the younger athletes prosper.
Other athletes express their ideas for what they hope to contribute to the season. Marcus Yarka, sophomore, is one of the boys on the tennis team. Yarka said that, “We have to make sure that we can be efficient this year, we really need to make sure we play hard at our practices.” Hopefully the team can keep up that level of efficiency and resolve. Yarka also stated that, “It’s a good thing everyone enjoys the sport so much, it’s really a great way to stay focused on the season ahead.”
With any sport, there is always room for improvement, and everyone has their weaknesses. “Inexperience and the sectional assignment which puts us with LT and Hinsdale central is one of our biggest flaws,” says Fuller. It’s obvious that any sport would really have to crunch some bones to be able to measure up to those teams. Sophomore player Alex Muntean commented that, “We really just need to work hard, no matter who we’re up against.”
With a good conference to go against and a committed team, we can hopefully see the team do their best, we know that they have the skills to take the team far.