Robby Filec, Staff Reporter
They, (they being doomsayers,) were wrong. They, (the same people,) said the world was going to end in 2012. They, (yes the very same people,) did not realize that 2014-2015 would be Robby Filec’s last year of Clarion, and that the world would end a few years later than planned. Unless he can do something about it… Along with his older, vast array of super powers, he gained new powers after being pushed into radioactive waste by Niko Radicanin, (which is a long story.) These powers include the ability to stuff cupcakes whole into his mouth, quote movies excessively, and sing in the shower, which may give him an edge in saving the world from total destruction.
Robby Filec is a senior (or in 12th grade,) at Riverside Brookfield High School and obviously works on Clarion. He is the President of Student Association Exeecutive Board. He is also very active in Young Life and owns his own landscaping company. (He does free estimates for people in the Riverside Brookfield area.) Filec enjoys spending time with his family and has a younger but taller brother (Frankie,) at RB. Filec is unable to believe how fast time has flown since he wrote his first staff profile just three years ago. He is excited to make his last year in Clarion and at RB a memorable one.
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