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Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Kate Alaks

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor

Kate Alaks is actually from the 60’s. As a child, she fell through a wormhole in time and space and ended up in the 21st century. As such, she is not very good with 21st century technology. She also frequently obsesses about the Beatles, Doctor Who (she really likes both the old series and the new series), Star Trek, Godzilla, and numerous other things with origins in or near the sixties. Even though, happily, most of these have been revived to some extent in today’s culture, she still misses the cheesy special effects of the good old days. On the plus side, she got to grow up with Blue’s Clues and the Magic School Bus.

While waiting for the Doctor to come and straighten out her timeline, Kate (aka Kadet Marshmallow) is now a senior, and is reprising her role as Clarion’s Opinion Editor. She is planning to continue her Freakonomics-style column, For What It’s Worth. Besides Clarion, Kate is in Eco Club, GSA, and NHS, and is a black belt in TaeKwon-Do. She spends her precious free time compulsively writing, watching Star Trek, quoting things randomly, and stressing out about applying for colleges.

You can email Kate at


All content by Kate Alaks
Senior Goodbye:  Carey Torres

Senior Goodbye: Carey Torres

Carey Torres, Life Styles Editor/Cartoonist
May 22, 2014
Senior Goodbye:  Kate Alaks

Senior Goodbye: Kate Alaks

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
May 22, 2014
How do you stay motivated when your reasons for motivation are gone?  Econ blogger Kate Alaks tells us how.

For What It’s Worth: The End

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
May 22, 2014

Carey Torres

Carey Torres, Lifestyles Editor
April 3, 2014

Kate Alaks

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
April 3, 2014
Students had a chance to experiment using Chromebooks during the "Technology Petting Zoo" Library event. In a few years, every student will be equiped with a Chromebook of their own.

One-to-one is on its way

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
March 14, 2014

DIY: Making Duct Tape Roses

Carey Torres, Lifestyles Editor/Cartoonist
February 19, 2014
For What It's Worth: Fighting the feed

For What It’s Worth: Fighting the feed

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
February 17, 2014
This TV tells us that RB is a Character Counts school. So why do we need a whole TV to tell us that?

Turn off the tedious televisions

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
February 3, 2014
Loss and grief can strike out of the blue, but you have the power to decide how you cope.

Coping with the loss of a loved one

Carey Torres, Lifestyles Editor/Cartoonist
January 14, 2014
Will Senior Year really be just a song and dance for Carey?

Carey’s Comix: Welcome to Senior Year

Carey Torres, Lifestyles Editor
September 8, 2013
Carey's Comix: Accidental Trends

Carey’s Comix: Accidental Trends

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/Cartoonist
May 16, 2013
Scenes from the return of Turnabout

Scenes from the return of Turnabout

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/Cartoonist
March 22, 2013
It might be tempting to blame your grades on yourself or your own work, but why do that when you can blame Skyward?  Carey's Comix does!

Carey’s Comix: Curse you, Skyward!

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/ Cartoonist
February 12, 2013
I don't know what this game is, but I know I wouldn't be bored if I was playing it.  Carey's Comix helps you alleviate second semester boredom with this new episode.

Carey’s Comix: Stick It to Boredom

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/Cartoonist
January 23, 2013
Carey's Comix:  Catching Santa

Carey’s Comix: Catching Santa

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/Cartoonist
December 5, 2012
They will be RB

They will be RB

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
December 5, 2012
Last year, Opinion Editor Kate Alaks wrote 50,000 words in a month to complete the National Novel Writing Month challenge.  This year, she shares some tongue-in-cheek tips with aspiring writers.

Kate tells you how to conquer NaNoWriMo

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
October 31, 2012
Carey's Comix:  A Ghost's Halloween

Carey’s Comix: A Ghost’s Halloween

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/ Cartoonist
October 23, 2012
Carey's Comix:  Talentless

Carey’s Comix: Talentless

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/ Cartoonist
October 3, 2012
Bigger classes will be a challange, but they don't have to ruin the whole year.

Big classes? No big deal.

Kate Alaks, Opinion Editor
September 10, 2012
Even being a Junior doesn't mean you know everything...

Carey’s Comix: Still Confused

Carey Torres, Cartoonist
September 10, 2012
CAREY'S COMIX #8:  Nothin' to write home about

CAREY’S COMIX #8: Nothin’ to write home about

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter, Cartoonist
May 16, 2012
The Lorax speaks for the trees

The Lorax speaks for the trees

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
April 23, 2012
Health class could be even healthier

Health class could be even healthier

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
April 13, 2012
Carey's Comix #7:  A Day in the Life

Carey’s Comix #7: A Day in the Life

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter and Cartoonist
April 12, 2012
APRIL FOOLS:  "Whoops!  My bad," says Skyward

APRIL FOOLS: “Whoops! My bad,” says Skyward

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter and Cartoonist
April 4, 2012
Carey's Comix #6:  RB's Financial Future

Carey’s Comix #6: RB’s Financial Future

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter, Cartoonist
February 27, 2012
Feed fed to freshmen

Feed fed to freshmen

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
February 13, 2012
Carey's Comix Episode #5:  Matchmaker

Carey’s Comix Episode #5: Matchmaker

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter and Cartoonist
January 30, 2012
APES students care for school of trout

APES students care for school of trout

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
December 19, 2011
Last year's Bulldogs are Food Heroes

Last year’s Bulldogs are Food Heroes

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
October 27, 2011
Solution to a costume conundrum

Solution to a costume conundrum

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter/ Cartoonist
October 17, 2011
Interactive Guide: Halloween

Interactive Guide: Halloween

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2011
Bad plan for planners?

Bad plan for planners?

Kate Alaks, Staff Reporter
September 26, 2011
Carey's Comix (Episode 1)

Carey’s Comix (Episode 1)

Carey Torres, Staff Reporter
September 15, 2011
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